Wednesday, November 10, 2010

all makeup and hair

done by

STACY LEE GHIN using Kevin Murphy

please click on the photo to enlarge........

REMIX magazine
shot by Adrian Mesko

hair and makeup by stacy lee ghin using Kevin Murphy

styling by atip
REMIX magazine

shot by Juan

makeup by stacy
hair by diane
styling by atip
Singapore Style magazine

shot by Adrian Mesko

grooming by stacy lee ghin using Kevin Murphy

styling by atip
New Zealand Wedding mag

shot by carolyn haslett

makeup+hair by
stacy lee ghin

styling by melissa gardi
OCCASIONS magazine

shot by carolyn haslett

makeup and hair by
stacy lee ghin using
Kevin Murphy

styling by ana macdonald
GOOD HEALTH magazine

shot by steve tilley

makeup and hair by
stacy lee ghin using
Kevin Murphy

styling by sam brown
GOOD HEALTH magazine
shot by jackie mering

makeup and hair by
stacy lee ghin using Kevin Murphy

styling by sam brown
REMIX cover
shot by jessica sim

makeup and hair by stacy lee ghin using Kevin Murphy

styling by atip